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Leaders in Oral Maxillofacial Surgery

At North Woodstock Dentistry, our commitment to crafting healthy, happy smiles extends beyond general dental care. Our providers offer a range of leading oral maxillofacial surgery treatments in Woodstock, ON. With the utmost precision and care, we are here to address our patients’ complex concerns with our innovative oral procedures and time-honored expertise.

person getting piggy back ride outside

Types of Oral Surgery

At North Woodstock Dentistry, our professionals take pride in our ability to accommodate a wealth of oral surgery needs. From impacted teeth to restorative implants, we serve as your partner in enhanced oral health and comfort. Our oral surgery options include:

Understanding Oral Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral maxillofacial surgery is a branch of dentistry used to diagnose and treat various conditions and injuries. Oral surgery encompasses concerns regarding the entirety of the oral cavity, including the mouth, teeth, gums, jawbone, and face. These procedures can be used to correct diseases, facial disorders and injuries, jaw misalignment, and issues with the teeth and gums.

Impacted Teeth & Tooth Extraction

We provide general tooth extraction for several reasons. In some cases, this may be used for teeth that have become compromised beyond repair due to decay or injury. This treatment can also address impacted teeth or prepare a patient for restorative or orthodontic treatment.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

North Woodstock Dentistry is here to help you achieve relief with wisdom tooth extraction. Wisdom teeth are large teeth known as third molars that erupt in the late teens or early twenties. While some patients may not need wisdom tooth extraction, more commonly, these teeth generate a wealth of issues, from impaction to crowding, infection, and beyond.

Root Canals

A root canal is a treatment used to remove infected pulp within a tooth. This derives from severe decay of trauma and must be addressed to mitigate damage to adjacent teeth. The procedure involves creating incisions in the affected tooth to remove the infection, then cleaning and restoring it to its natural form and function.

Dental Implants

When a patient is missing a tooth or several teeth, they may feel discouraged about their appearance, and their oral health becomes at risk. Fortunately, we provide dental implant oral procedures. This treatment installs a titanium post to serve as an artificial tooth root to support restorative appliances, such as a crown, bridge, or dentures.

Periodontal Surgery & Gum Grafting

For patients with gum disease, we may recommend periodontal surgery or gum grafting. Gum grafting is used to alleviate and replace compromised gum tissue. For patients with advanced periodontal disease, periodontal surgery may be necessary, followed by restorative treatments.

Bone Grafting

Patients looking to pursue restorative treatments, such as dental implants, may require bone grafting prior to commencing treatment. Bone grafting is an oral surgery procedure that encourages bone growth in the jaw to support the implant. This is required for patients who lose jaw bone density due to missing or compromised teeth and gums.

The Importance of Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is pivotal in one’s oral health. Oral procedures become necessary when patients navigate complex dental concerns that general dentistry practices cannot remedy. Through surgical intervention, we can successfully eliminate the issue and prevent worsening conditions and discomfort, fostering a happier, healthier smile.

older person at the dentist

Preparing for Oral Surgery

Oral surgery begins with a thorough assessment. Our providers will evaluate your condition and perform diagnostic testing and imaging procedures to curate a personalized treatment plan based on your needs. We will then go over the facets of your oral surgery procedure to ensure you feel informed and confident about your upcoming treatment.

  • Take your doctor-prescribed medications as you normally would. There is no need for a drug holiday even if taking blood thinners, unless we have advised otherwise at your initial assessment visit.
  • There is no need to fast prior to an oral surgery procedure. If we require you to have fasted prior to a procedure, we will discuss this with you prior to the procedure date.

Choose North Woodstock Dentistry for Oral Maxillofacial Surgery

The well-being of our patients is at the forefront of all we do. Our patient-centric approach and cutting-edge technologies ensure a seamless process and the highest standards of care. With a wealth of experience and our state-of-the-art facility, look to us for precision and efficiency through every step of the process.

Your Destination for Quality Dental Care

Beyond our comprehensive oral surgery services, North Woodstock Dentistry is Woodstock, ON’s leading destination for quality dental care. From general and preventative dentistry that protects and enhances oral health to cosmetic enhancements and restorative treatments, we are your partner in maximizing your smile and well-being.

Schedule an Oral Surgery Consultation Today

North Woodstock Dentistry is here to elevate your oral health and comfort with premier oral surgery procedures in Woodstock, ON. From wisdom tooth extraction to corrective jaw surgery and beyond, count on us to bring value to your smile. Contact our friendly team today to schedule an oral surgery consultation.

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