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Measures taken to enhance your safety and protection at this Woodstock dental office. If you think you may be experiencing symptoms of COVID, please reschedule your appointment. You can complete a self-assessment here.

COVID Screening & Temperature Checks

At the beginning of each shift, staff complete screening and temperature checks.

All patients must complete a COVID screening questionnaire and undergo multiply steps of screening. Firstly, the screening process begins when booking your appointment over the phone. This is followed by your appointment requiring a second confirmation screening on the day of. To aid in convenience, we offer this through an e-mail link or in person once you arrive. All patients must have their temperature taken with a touchless thermometer.

Barriers & Social Distancing to Protect Against COVID

Reception areas have plexi-glass barriers installed. Dental operatories have plastic barriers on the doorways, which prevents the spread of aerosols. To maximize social distancing, the reception area has extra chairs removed. Moreover, in order to maximize social distancing and limit patient interaction, we require patients call upon arrival to the clinic. Subsequently, we call them back when it is safe to enter. In this manner, we can manage traffic in the reception area and minimize contact between patients.

Surgical Grade Air Purification

Surgical-grade air purifiers filter out aerosols created during procedures in all dental operatories. How quickly the air changes in the room determines when the room can be safely sanitized. To meet compliance, HVAC tests have been completed. This test is based on how quickly the aerosols settle to allow proper disinfection.

Enhanced Disinfection Protocols & PPE

Enhanced disinfection protocols are in place in all patient traffic areas. First, when entering the clinic patients must sanitize their hands, put on a mask (provided), and wear gloves. Second, there is increased frequency of disinfection of common areas. This is to ensure all measures are being taken to keep you safe.

Staff have extra personal protective equipment. An example of this is that you will now see staff wearing gowns and face shields.

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